Tuesday, April 24, 2012

More Image Inspired... this by my friend Lander

Girl on a Boat
By Lander VerHoef 

I came with my camera to tell the tale of the war, or so I thought. I stood on the dock as the boat pulled alongside. A young Vietnamese girl, perhaps eight or ten stood just across the rail from me, and I was caught by her eyes. They were old, older than a child's, older than mine, older than imagining. Those eyes had seen...
But whatever they had seen, I saw only myself reflected in them, a young white man in fancy shoes, a shirt soaked with sweat, and an expensive camera. And in those eyes was a question, and an accusation: "Why are you here?" I discovered that I had no answer, so I raised my camera and hid. But every day since I took that photo, I look at it and the young girl's old eyes ask me "why are you here? Why are you here? Why are you here?"

Thursday, April 19, 2012

Yom Hashoah

Silent Illumination

Plunged in darkness, boxed
Barricaded, with no where to look
Gazes’ unseeing, freshly bruised
Open mouths still clotting

Taking refuge in shadow
Mothers, their angles grown sharp
Pierce skin stretched too thin
Seeping apprehension

Colorless light swings across  
Glassy eyed sisters who hold off the
Gripping cold, fear fueling
Their umbrage

Silhouetted, supple, wary
Daughters, whose eyes are open
Wide, uncomprehending
Certain they misunderstand

Early morning light filtered
Through a sky bathed in smoke
Mothers, sisters, and daughters
Collected, sampled, and sorted

Glistening shorn scalps, stripped
Likewise stained by fear, their sameness
Revealed, is of no consequence
No one looks

The glare of exposed bulbs  
Collective exhaustion of feet
Faltering, resisting, what eyes
Will not see 

Color smears the horizon
Emerging into that last bit of light
Flushed with hope, still unaware
Others who seethe, curl, and drift away

Monday, April 9, 2012

My email address was down. I think must have change a filter by accident when updating my domain name. If I missed an email from you I am sorry, that said, jennifer@workingink.com is up an receiving e-mail once again.

Look forwarding to hearing from you.

Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Image Prompts

 After reading some very visually rich and compelling essays by my friend Lander I found myself thinking about the power of visual prompts vs. written ones. Our conversation had begun with a brief discussion of film as a story-telling medium. A picture may be worth a 1000 words, but what the picture has to say needs to be scrutinized, because it is no less malleable than language in its ability to misguide us. Truth aside, the power of language and film combined to convey depth of experience seems nearly limitless to my mind and for awhile I will be experimenting with both mediums. Please share your thoughts on employing these mediums. I'd love to hear from you.

Image Prompt 1 -    Chinatown

I did not expect
to love a face
So like my own.
Still, here we are,

Lanterns, round and pale,
Flex against their supports,
Like Chinese Apples
Dropping before a frost.
Our feet follow
Worn cobblestones
Announce our urgency
We climb your stairs

Young trees
Bending, pounding
The field with
Ripe exotic fruit.

jee 2012