Since resurrecting my blog to document the wickedly brief 94 days of summer here in AK I have been racing with the daylight to fit in both life and writing. In an attempt to shorten the distance between my entries and summer's break neck pace I submit to you an abridged version of our summer to date...

Garden Step 1: plant 300 seeds.
Moving Day: for our friend Patrick. Though we were sorry to have him move out it was exciting to help him plan and paint his new room. The plan included a custom designed and built loft (by the Eskridge/Crowson team). He now rests each night in a cozy round bed which hangs from his ceiling – his own personal cloud!
Clean-up Happens: This time at Ruby’s homestead
Summer Jobs 101 for the Modern Teen: Register with Alaska ’s job board, write a resume, create LinkedIn profile, write cover letter, prepare for interview, secure references, interview, and write thank-you notes. Rinse and Repeat until employed!
Clucking Blossom 2011: Did not disappoint: Music, Art, Mosquitoes! The event had everything a Fairbanks kid needs to know that summer has arrived and all is right with the world.
Garden Step 2: Raised beds are how we roll!
Garden Step 2: Raised beds are how we roll!
Garden Step 3: Time to plant this crop!
Nasturtiums, Carrots: orange, purple, red and white,Sugar Snap Peas, Spinach, Lettuce,Tomatoes, Radishes, Basil, 3 kinds of Mint, Parsley, Beets, Potatoes, Dahlia's, Delphiniums, Sweet Peas, Hostas, Columbine, Lily of the Valley, Pumpkins,Wild Iris, and Sunflowers
Garden Step 4: Keep up with the watering until monsoon season...
More Music, More Friends: Amanda was in town, as was BNL!
Garden Extension: Mini-salad garden for the Rabbi, courtesy of Miriam
Bar Mitzvah #1: Daniel Wolfe, Wow! Daniel it was a perfect day.
Bar Mitzvah #1: Daniel Wolfe, Wow! Daniel it was a perfect day.
Auntie Deb: Makes her annual summer journey north.
Fairbanks Shakespeare Theatre Groundling’s and Fledglings Summer Production 2011: Mid-Summer's Night Dream. Thalia as Helena, Miriam as Peas-blossom, Emma as Bottom, Kelsey performed Lysander when Tyler landed in the hospital! Tyler is well now and Kelsey is our HERO! I am hopeful that pictures will soon surface.
Harvesting Firewood: Some chores never really end.
Time to fill the Freezer: David leaves for Chitna, 3 days later he returns with 16 Red and 1 King! Summer = good eating!
Bar Mitzvah # 2: Sam Greenberg -
Destined to be our first Pro-Baseball Rabbi!
Bar Mitzvah # 2: Sam Greenberg -
Destined to be our first Pro-Baseball Rabbi!
Cast Party: Those Monahan’s throw a great shindig!
Rain: Enough to keep the garden happy, refillLake Eskridge , and cancel the annual Jews in Canoes float trip. Though I am not complaining. There is still plenty of sunshine!
Rain: Enough to keep the garden happy, refill
Thalia saves the Day: This happens pretty routinely, but this time she is doing her part down at Black Rapids Lodge. Last summer she lent a hand when Annie and Michael fond themselves short staffed with guests confirming and arriving at the end of their season. This year they knew who to call when they needed a reliable Jill-Of-All-Trades. She will be back by next Tuesday but is not opposed to making another trip down their way later in the summer too.
First Ripe Blueberry: found in bushes behind the house July 7, 2011
Tomorrow: is July 9, 2011. If you know who is holding the universal remote please ask them to stop fast forwarding! A momentary pause would even be appreciated. Regardless watch your inbox as I attempt to keep pace with the remaining days of summer....
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