David keeping the freezer full! |
We fill the downtime with silly talk about everything from hairstyles, boiz and grrlz, what traits trigger the flirt factor, to the standard details regarding school, home, and life on planet Teen Grrl! At least 5 books have been read cover-to-cover this week. The AK summer sunlight means they have pulled off that last feat without flashlights under the bed covers!
The younger girls add to this their own side adventures: Playing in the maze and exploring at the botanical gardens, baking challah, yoga class with Rivka, and t-shirt art. ![]()
The foursome dressed in costume for the Premier of the final Harry Potter film, Ruby helped lead services at Or HaTzafon: she guided our community in chair yoga to help us all get in a Shabbat state-of-mind.
The next morning we all took part in celebrating Maia Eisenberg’s Bat Mitzvah which we followed with some serious lying about and indulged in half dozen or so episodes of Buffy the Vampire Slayer until sleep claimed us. Today, Miriam and Ruby are celebrating Ari's 11th year on this planet and all the girls have taken part in assorted rounds of the "10-Minute-Tidy," but on the whole have been such proactive housemates that it did not require too many "rounds" to sweeten up the house. ![]()
At last we have each slipped into comfy chairs, curled up with the occasional cute boy, a good book, and a snack within arm’s reach to quietly see this first week of “Camp pUnk bLosSom" come to a close. 94 days of summer continues....next week Dance Party Update!
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